Preparative high-speed counter-current chromatography ( HSCCC) was used for the isolation and purification of solanesol from potato leaves. 采用超微回流提取方法提取土豆叶中的茄尼醇,用高速逆流色谱(HSCCC)对粗提物中的茄尼醇进行分离纯化。
The "Process Scale-up System" is a complete preparative chromatography solution for purifying production volumes of bio molecules and active ingredient drug compounds used at pharmaceutical manufacturing. 「生产放大系统」则是用以作为生物性分子或是药物有效成分的大量生产制造。
The methods of studying flow profile of preparative chromatography were summarized. 摘要总结了研究制备色谱流型的4种方法。
Separation of hydrocortisone isomers with liquid solid preparative chromatography 固-液制备色谱分离氢化可的松立体异构体
Preparative high-speed counter-current chromatography ( HSCCC) was used for the separation of calycosin and formononetin from the ethyl acetate extract of Astragalus membranaceus Bge. 采用高速逆流色谱法(HSCCC),以正己烷氯仿甲醇水组成二相系统作为固定相与流动相,对黄芪的乙酸乙酯粗提物进行了分离纯化。
Separation and Preparation of Multi-peptide Samples in Gadfly Insect by High Performance Preparative Liquid Chromatography 高效制备液相色谱法分离制备虻虫中的多肽样品
Perspective in the applications and developments of high preparative performance liquid chromatography were discussed. 探讨了高效制备液相色谱技术的应用和发展前景。
Dynamics of Preparative Ion Exchange Chromatography of Amino Acids 制备型氨基酸离子交换色谱的动态特性
In preparative thin layer chromatography, the sample solution is always transferred to thin layer plate. 在制备薄层色谱法中,一般都是将样品溶液转移到薄层板上。
The simulated moving bed ( SMB) preparative chromatography is the most prospective commercial process for it. 模拟移动床色谱是商业规模制备色谱最有希望的技术;
Progress of Liquid Preparative Chromatography 液相制备色谱的研究进展
A method for the purification of solanesol by preparative liquid chromatography was proposed. 比较了茄尼醇提取物粗提纯方法;采用液相制备色谱法进行粗提纯。
The safflor yellow A was separated from the aqueous extraction of safflower by column chromatography on polyamide and macroporous absorption resin, followed by preparative liquid chromatography. 本文首先对红花的水提物经醇沉除去杂质,再进行聚酰胺和大孔吸附树脂柱层析,通过制备液相,分离,得到红花黄色素A,并进行了结构确证。
The Factors Affecting the Symmetry of Chromatographic Peak in Liquid Preparative Adsorption Chromatography 液相制备吸附色谱流出峰对称性的若干影响因素
The research and development of liquid preparative chromatography are reviewed. Three typical kinds of preparative chromatography systems: simulated moving bed chromatography, high speed countercurrent chromatography and supercritical fluid chromatography, are introduced. 介绍国内外制备色谱方面的概况,综述了模拟移动床色谱、高速逆流色谱和超临界流体色谱等3种典型的液相制备色谱的研究进展。
Using the chromatographic separation technology for preparative scale, we discovery a new way to separate citric acid from the fermentation broth. Decolorizing and separating with preparative chromatography, we can shorten production process, improve the yield of finished products and reduce pollution. 我们利用制备色谱分离提纯技术,开发了从发酵液中分离提取柠檬酸的新工艺,采用色谱脱色、色谱分离柠檬酸,可简化生产过程,提高收率,消除污染。
New Continuous Preparative Chromatography for Multi-Component Separation: Array Column Chromatography 新型多组分连续制备色谱系统&阵列式柱色谱
Br and Ginkgo biloba, which are summarized as following: ( I) The recent progresss of the new techniques ( microwave, macroporous resin, the preparative liquid phase chromatography) is reviewed. (Ⅰ)综述了微波萃取技术、大孔吸附树脂分离技术、制备液相色谱技术在中草药有效成分的提取、制备分离方面的研究应用近年相关文献。
Numerical Simulation of the Separation Process of Two-Component Preparative Gas Chromatography 双组分制备级气相色谱分离过程的数值模拟
The multi-peptide samples in gadfly insect were separated and prepared by using high-performance preparative liquid chromatography. Four kinds of main ingredients were collected. 应用高效制备液相色谱法,分离虻虫中的多肽样品,制备收集了4种主要组分。
A bioseparation technique preparative high performance liquid chromatography 生化分离技术&制备型高效液相色谱
RESULTS The white crystal of CTOL was obtained by the preparative chromatography, and its purity was 97.7%. 结果制备得到纯度为97·7%的CTOL白色结晶。
Comparative Study between Conical Column and Cylindrical Column for Preparative Liquid Chromatography 锥型与圆柱型液相色谱制备柱的比较研究
Preparative chromatography is a better method with which we can get intermediates of drugs with high yield. 制备色谱是得到高产量药物中间体的较好手段。
Experimental Study on Purification of Biological Products by Preparative High Performance Liquid Chromatography 高效制备液相色谱法纯化生物制品的实验研究
Application of column chromatography, preparative TLC, preparative liquid chromatography herbs from Morinda isolated 11 compounds, the use of UV, IR, NMR and MS spectra and other means of identification of the compounds. 4. 应用柱色谱法、制备薄层色谱法、制备液相色谱法从巴戟天药材中分离得到11个化合物,采用UV、IR、NMR和MS等光谱手段鉴定了化合物结构。
The magnolol-bonded silica stationary phase with natural ligand will have a broader prospect in the preparative chromatography to purify natural products and develop their potential, especially active components extraction and purification from local medicinal herbal resources. 7. 将厚朴酚键合硅胶固定相(MSP)应用到制备级色谱中,开发其分离提纯天然产物的潜能,尤其是对植物药用资源的药用活性成分提取纯化,或许有更加广阔的应用前景。
After being isolated and purified ulteriorly by preparative high-performance liquid chromatography, eight compounds of high purity were obtained. 经高效液相色谱进一步分离纯化后,得到8个纯度较高的化合物。